
In its mission to nurture young and creative minds through academic excellence “Srinath University Scholarship Scheme” has been instituted, to encourage meritorious students and to ensure that they are not denied with the education because of lack of means.

Merit scholarships on the basis of Marks/Rank Scored:

  1. First semester students admitted in different branches at Srinath University, Jamshedpur will be eligible for this merit scholarship based on their Marks/Rank Scored as decided by the University.
  2. Continuation of scholarship beyond first semester shall be based on 75% attendance during 1st semester to be calculated till November 2025

Merit-cum-means scholarship:

This scholarship amount for eligible students shall be determined based on their performance in the previous semester as well as their parents’ annual income (from all sources). Eligibility criteria shall be as under:


  1.  This scholarship scheme is applicable only for students studying at Srinath University Jamshedpur campus.
  2. At any point of time, a student can avail only one scholarship.
  3. The decision of the university on all matters for grant of scholarship shall be final and binding.
  4. The University reserves the right to amend/discontinue the modalities as well as the types of scholarship schemes at any point of time.
  5.  If a student is found guilty of any misconduct/indiscipline, his/her scholarship shall stand discontinued.
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