"In a free enterprise, the community is not just another stakeholder, but is, in fact the very purpose of its existence."

Jamshedji Tata

About Srinath Group

Srinath Group is a name of honesty and trust. From a very humble beginning, it started dealing in real estate and now a leading real estate company in Jharkhand.

The group’s young and dynamic chairman Mr. Sukhdeo Mahato with his vision to give quality standard of living to the people of Jamshedpur has been working for past 5 years to provide quality education to the youth, and this resulted in the opening of Srinath B.Ed college and Srinath School. To achieve the mission for overall development of

the society, the Group with their dedication and tremendous hardwork is now Srinath University. In just a span of time from B.Ed college to University was not an easy task. This takes a lot of dedication and countless failures, but passion to work for the society always wins.

There are many other things that are on the to do list like a multispecialty hospital, medical college, estate of the art fully equipped hotel, a new residential township with 500 flats are few from the list.

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