M.A – Yoga and Naturopathy

The increasing stress and imbalanced lifestyle of modern day has made health an increasing concern amongst people. Naturopathy revolves around the body’s own healing capability and hence encourages healing and self-cleansing. This mechanism lays stress on increasing immunity as well as detoxification of body. These are essential for a healthy body and mind. Hence, a person having done Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS) will focus on working closely with patient’s symptoms as well as reactions in order to ensure that the treatment provide is in most cases personalised. Things like emotional predispositions, biomechanics as well as biochemistry of the patients are utilised for treating illness.

Programme Details
Course nameDurationSemesterFees

M.A. – Yoga and Naturopathy

2 years4 semestersRs. 25,000/ semester
The candidate must have completed Bachelor’s Degree in Yoga or Physical Education with minimum 50 % score from a recognised college or University.

Career Avenues for M.A – Yoga and Naturopathy


National Rural Health Mission

Academicians & Research Scholars

Stress Management Consultants

Spa Managers



Educational Administrator

Educational Researcher

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